Monday 6 December 2021


 W.A.L.T Understand the virtue of patient

This is my slideshow of what i think of patient hope you like it. 

Friday 3 December 2021

JH hot spot

 this is my hot spot i have bean working hard.

i hope you like my work.

JH hot spot work









JH Muppet slide

 this is my Muppet slide show i hope you like it. My friend Sam helped me do this.

Thursday 2 December 2021

Wednesday 1 December 2021

JH advent

 W.A.L.T understand advent. In room 2 we have bean working on advent this is my one i hope you like it. I did this with my friends Samuel and Sam.

JH Face Mask


Thursday 25 November 2021

Gods Covenants

 W.A.L.T Understand Gods covenant,  In room 2 we have bean learning about covenant with Noah ark and Moses and Abraham.

Tuesday 23 November 2021

JH school work

W.A.L.T create symmetrical art. 

In room 2 In maths  have bean learning about geometry particularly. I made the MacDonald's logo it was a little hard  to do. 

It7 is symmetrical because it is like a mirror.


Monday 22 November 2021

W.A.L.T make a sculpture that is symmetrical.

in room 2 we have bean doing symmetry for maths this is mine.


John 13:1-17

W.A.L.T understand the virtue of serving. In room 2 we have bean working on the virtue of serving so we made this comic strip.


Friday 19 November 2021

JH KN saint work

 In room 2 we have bean aiming on the saints like saint Francis of Assisi. i have bean working with Kalem N on our Chromebook.

Wednesday 17 November 2021

JH FB problem solving

 me and Fox did some problem solving with my friend Fox he is a big bran boy.

In room 2 we have bean doing problem solving on this slide  hope you like it. 

By Jai and Fox.

Friday 5 November 2021

JH oil spill


JH African drumming

On Friday last week our school went to a African drumming in our school hall. It was so loud and some of the kids at our school got picked to play on one of the drum´s. I did not get picked but it was OK.  

JH Explanation SC

 Did you know that there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waste estimated to be in our ocean 69,000 tons float.

What's happening? Plastics are killing our environment and fish if we do not spot using plastic bags, we will kill almost all of our sea life. The supermarket has made a  big change in the use of plastic bags. 77 million tons will be dumped on land and 29 million tons will end up in the ocean.

 How can we fix it? We have made a big mistake in the environment. We made this and we have to fix it and clean this mess up. We can help this by getting some reusable bags from supermarket checkouts. We have to

Support Organizations Addressing Plastic Pollution.


In conclusion we should make a change to reusable bags. And don't use plastic bags in general because it can kill. Think of it like this when you get a plastic bag you are holding a weapon to the animals. We have to Recycle Properly.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Eco trip

On Friday the 21st of October we went to the dump yes the dump i did not like it that much but other people did. We had to sort out worm poo and get the worms out of there poo. Then we had to get a thing of water and a bit of worm pee. Then we grab so news paper and dunk it water then but it in a worm bin. Did you know that glass is burnt made in to roads.

jai and Kalem

W.A.L.T think of problems and solutions

 Today me and Kalem made this to say what the world is would say to us prop.

We have had lots of fun doing this poster about the world.

Stop killing my land or go to some place other

Friday 22 October 2021

JH kwl

 W.A.L.T Think of problems and solutions.

In room 2 we have bean learning about the problems in the environment. But we are the problem we did this

Monday 20 September 2021

JH Music: Do-Re-Mi Lesson 1 create task

 W.A.L.T learn music not

I room 2 we have bean do music with Miss More. We have done it on the Sound Of Music it is so fun.

Monday 6 September 2021

JH travel guide

 Monday Challenge  W.A.L.T Write a travel guide!

Friday 3 September 2021

JH maths

W.A.L.T Solve addition and subtraction problems by using groups of five



Thursday 2 September 2021

Thursday Challenge

Thursday Challenge W.A.L.T use Te Reo in our writing. 

Wednesday 1 September 2021


 Challenge W.A.L.T Write a positive, thoughtful, helpful blog comment.  

here is my blog about Alex's blog comment on my blog so i did a comment on his blog.   


Tuesday 31 August 2021

Email to Harold

Tuesday Challenge  W.A.L.T Write a letter 

Thursday 26 August 2021

quick write JH




hyperbole by JH

 i am so bored i could die

i could sleep for 1 million years 

i am so hungry i could eat a house and a horse

Tuesday 17 August 2021


Emma Twigg come to my school at 9 o clock on the 17 Th of august on Tuesday and me and some anther people did a kapa haka. Then we had a question and answer it was so cool to see our Olympic gold medalist. Then we sang cover me in sunshine by Pink. She talked to us about her changes in the sport and how she gets up in the morning and has a good breacky then she gets some rest they goes to the gym and 2 hours on the water then another rest till she does it again


Monday 16 August 2021

Friday 6 August 2021

Kids Should Or Should Not Play Sport

 WALT: Make connections to texts

I did this on my self. I love sport because I play rugga/rugby.

Thursday 5 August 2021

News Article

Emma Twigg Smashed The Competition.

By Jai

Emma Twigg won the gold medal at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics on Friday last week. It was in the Tokyo Sea Forest Waterway.

Twigg had a good run in her heat at the 2021 Olympics, she came 1st. In the final she didn’t disappoint coming first again! She had the lead the whole time in the race. She was never near last place and was always the front or the middle of the pack. Twigg looked so comfortable in the race like she could go to sleep. 

Twigg has been rowing since 2001, and at her first Olympics she came 9th in the final in 2008, and 4th in most of the others finals. Last friday it was different because she came first. Her nephew and his friends at New Brighton Catholic were all supporting her in the race.

In conclusion she is a very good rower and she did very well in the race to win gold. New Zealand is excited to see her at the next Olympics

Red Hat Feelings

W.A.L.T Make connections to texts

Wednesday 4 August 2021

The Boy With Wings

 W.A.L.T reflect on our experiences 

In room 2 we were lucky enough to see a show today it was about this boy named Jake. He is on a hunt to fined water to water his apple tree in the garden. So he goes on an adventure to fined treasure- he goes through the sea, a sand storm, and a foggy pathway till he gets to a town and he is put in jail. He finds a key and gets out and then goes back home. He looks under the stone in the garden and gets water.  The trees grow and he has apples.


Monday 2 August 2021

Jai Hodder white hat facts

 This is my white hat about the Olympics. 

W.A.L.T: Make connections to texts

Friday 25 June 2021

Billonaire boy book review

 Billionaire Boy

‘Why not invent a loo roll that is moist on one side and dry on the other?’ 

 David Walliams has written a lot of books for example, Gangsta Granny and Billionaire boy and lots more. I would rate Billionaire Boy a 5.5 out of 10 because it was a bit weird in the middle but the other half was good. I would recommend this book for people aged 4 to probably 18. 

I like this book because it has a good storyline to it. It was set mainly at a school but also at Joe's mansion which is so big it could fit 2 NBC schools or a little town like Brighton. It has 2  ace track’s  for 2 Formula One cars. It  also has two pools, 5 bedrooms, 6  bathrooms, and 2 hot tubs.

The main characters are Joe and Blob. Blob is a fat little kid, who gets bullied, he does not have a lot of money. Joe on the other hand, has a lot of money (like 2 trillion dollars) but also gets bullied. 

They come together and become friends. 

In conclusion, I love this book because it has a nice story and I really liked it in general. 

Friday 28 May 2021

Plastic plant


Monday 24 May 2021

Trust Virtue

W.A.L.T  To be trustworthy  

In room 2 we have bean doing trustworthy for our virtue at school. I had alot of fun with it,  hope you like it.  Thank you.

Friday 21 May 2021

Haiku poems

W.A.L.T write a haiku

In room 2 we have been doing haiku poems. They are mainly about
autumn leaves. This is my one I hope you like it, thank you very much. 

Scarlet coloured leaves

Satisfying crunchy leaves 

Cool autumn season 

        i love autumn

Friday 14 May 2021

Refugee Walk

 W.A.L.T write a brief Recount. 

On Monday the 10th the Senior syndicate went to the red zone. At the red zone we be came refugees and faced lots of challenges.  The challenges that we faced were building huts and eating rice but it was so hot my hands were red after that. The hut building was so fun because I was with my 2 best friends Mace and Hunter. Back to the other challenges, we also had to walk through a field with fake bombs with a blind fold. After this I don't think I would like to be a refugee. 

Thursday 13 May 2021

Limericks about Bob the Builder

 Title: BOB the builder W.A.L.t write a limerick In room 2 we have been writing limericks. A limerick is something that has,5 or 7 lines and lines 1 to 3 and 5 rime but 3 and 4 do not rime like the others. So what i mean is 3 and 4 have different riming words, to the others.

Once there was a man named Bob,

Who had a massive gob. He swallowed a log, and then a hog! And that was the end of Bob!

Bob the Builder - Wikipedia

Wednesday 12 May 2021

JH Structure of the Mass - pre check

 The mass is structured in 4 parts.

Can you think what these parts are?

Fill in the boxes with 4 parts of our masses you think are part of the Masses structure. You can use images or words.

WALT: identify the 4 parts of the Mass. This is what i did, so i got pictues form the internet and copy and pasted them.

Wednesday 31 March 2021


W.A.L.T represent data in different graphs.
In room 2 we have bean learning about statistics here is some, of the graphs i have bean doing in room 2


Tuesday 30 March 2021

Trumpet book -redading

Walt: practice comprehension skills

we have been learning about trumpets and our comprehension skills. We have been prakticing 

Wednesday 24 March 2021

prayer reflection

 W.A.L.T plan  prayer routine

In room 2 we made prayer routines for the mornings this is mine, Aidenś, and Angus R´s slide. I really hope that you enjoy. We were praying for mooses and animals because there aren´t many in the world. 
Thank you - do you have any questions about our prayers? 

Wednesday 17 March 2021


 W.A.L.T make connections with how different animals adapted to their environment.

this is my google drawing about lions.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

JH 15 words

 Are 15 words are going to be made out of these letters

In let fat to it out of do die nat naf eat diet foodie education

Friday 12 March 2021

Duffy Theatre

 W.A.L.T Remember the events of duffy theater  in a recount form. 

 On Tuesday we had a Duffy show, it was so funny and cool. My favourite thing was when duffy fale down the cave and Nan had to get Duffy out with the tracker. I think that the moa bones.

JH Spelling

jai spelling the big word is athletics day

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Camp Thank You Letter

 W.A.L.T Show our appreciation in a written letter

Dear Micheal,

Thank you for taking time from your week, you are the best parent on camp. To me that is. You are so cool.

Without you Matais,Izzy, Eva and I wouldn't have had the fun time we did on the way there and back.

Yours Sincerely,


Monday 1 March 2021

billionaire boy poster

W.A.L.T  use visual and language features to market a book

so at school we are learning about billionaire boy. We are reading it to it is a really funny book. this is the  link   Jai Joe spud


Friday 26 February 2021

Reflection on my hot spot

W.A.L.T Reflect on our learning 

I think that i did the wordfind and Joe spud poem well. I think that i could of done the reading a little better. 


Joe spud acrostic poem

W.a.l.t Describe a fictional character 

This is my Joe spud acrostic poem. He is from the book Billionaire Boy that we are reading in class. 



Eat.🥞🧇🍔 a lot





All about my time at camp

 WALT: Reflect on our time away.

Last week went to Arthurs Pass for camp. At camp we  play, walk,  and eat 

Friday 12 February 2021

Hotspot Reflection

W.A.L.T Complete my three challenges for my first hotspot. i really liked the camp shield. The wordfind was really hard but, over all it was pretty FUN. this is my link so that you can see hotspot.
wave you ever bean on camp if you tell me in the comments.   jai camp site