Thursday 13 May 2021

Limericks about Bob the Builder

 Title: BOB the builder W.A.L.t write a limerick In room 2 we have been writing limericks. A limerick is something that has,5 or 7 lines and lines 1 to 3 and 5 rime but 3 and 4 do not rime like the others. So what i mean is 3 and 4 have different riming words, to the others.

Once there was a man named Bob,

Who had a massive gob. He swallowed a log, and then a hog! And that was the end of Bob!

Bob the Builder - Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jai, your limerick is really great, you have used very interesting and descriptive words that paint a clear picture of poor Bob and and how his big gob got him into trouble. Your use of correct punctuation makes the poem flow well. Ka Pai Jai!
    I look forward to reading more of the poetry you are working on this term.


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