Tuesday 31 August 2021

Email to Harold

Tuesday Challenge  W.A.L.T Write a letter 

Thursday 26 August 2021

quick write JH




hyperbole by JH

 i am so bored i could die

i could sleep for 1 million years 

i am so hungry i could eat a house and a horse

Tuesday 17 August 2021


Emma Twigg come to my school at 9 o clock on the 17 Th of august on Tuesday and me and some anther people did a kapa haka. Then we had a question and answer it was so cool to see our Olympic gold medalist. Then we sang cover me in sunshine by Pink. She talked to us about her changes in the sport and how she gets up in the morning and has a good breacky then she gets some rest they goes to the gym and 2 hours on the water then another rest till she does it again


Monday 16 August 2021

Friday 6 August 2021

Kids Should Or Should Not Play Sport

 WALT: Make connections to texts

I did this on my self. I love sport because I play rugga/rugby.

Thursday 5 August 2021

News Article

Emma Twigg Smashed The Competition.

By Jai

Emma Twigg won the gold medal at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics on Friday last week. It was in the Tokyo Sea Forest Waterway.

Twigg had a good run in her heat at the 2021 Olympics, she came 1st. In the final she didn’t disappoint coming first again! She had the lead the whole time in the race. She was never near last place and was always the front or the middle of the pack. Twigg looked so comfortable in the race like she could go to sleep. 

Twigg has been rowing since 2001, and at her first Olympics she came 9th in the final in 2008, and 4th in most of the others finals. Last friday it was different because she came first. Her nephew and his friends at New Brighton Catholic were all supporting her in the race.

In conclusion she is a very good rower and she did very well in the race to win gold. New Zealand is excited to see her at the next Olympics

Red Hat Feelings

W.A.L.T Make connections to texts

Wednesday 4 August 2021

The Boy With Wings

 W.A.L.T reflect on our experiences 

In room 2 we were lucky enough to see a show today it was about this boy named Jake. He is on a hunt to fined water to water his apple tree in the garden. So he goes on an adventure to fined treasure- he goes through the sea, a sand storm, and a foggy pathway till he gets to a town and he is put in jail. He finds a key and gets out and then goes back home. He looks under the stone in the garden and gets water.  The trees grow and he has apples.


Monday 2 August 2021

Jai Hodder white hat facts

 This is my white hat about the Olympics. 

W.A.L.T: Make connections to texts